Gratitude and the Power of saying “YES”
Do you always play it safe? Do you rigidly stick to routines, fearing pushing boundaries and taking risks? If you answered yes, you may be denying yourself the gift of self-discovery.
Self-discovery begins with knowing when to say “Yes,” and learning to live grateful is an excellent place to start!
In 1996, I began keeping a gratitude list, which resulted in a shift in mindset and prompted me to start therapeutic journaling. These small behavioral changes helped me realize my dream to write. Gradually, like the caterpillar that morphs into a butterfly, my dream took flight, and I have authored six books.
In 2015, I dreamed of writing a book on gratitude, a theme that laid the groundwork for The Stroke That Touched My Heart (2019), a book co-authored with my daughter, Mia that shares our story of triumph over tragedy. Although it strayed from my original vision, it is serving its purpose well. However, I would not have written a single book had I not first said “Yes” to my dreams.
Are you ready to put wings on your dreams?
Say YES to the Abundance of the Universe! Hindu mystic Ramakrishna says it best: “An ocean of bliss may rain down from the heavens, but if you hold up only a thimble that is all you will receive.” Pull out your cup and be ready!
Say YES to Change! If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.
Say YES to Opportunities! Be prepared. Seize the opportunity, and if it doesn’t fit, pursue the next one.
Say YES to your Passions! They are your inherent gifts; pursue what makes your heart sing.
Say YES to Mental and Physical Well-being! Say yes to proper rest, stress management, exercise, nutritious meals, water over sugary drinks, positive thinking, and letting go of people, places, and things that negatively impact your well-being!
Say YES to Kindness and Generosity! First, be kind to yourself, and then extend it to others.
Say YES to Help! Asking for help signifies strength, not weakness. We are all God’s little helpers, you know!
Say YES to Forgiveness! It’s a gateway to freedom that allows you to enjoy life fully. Stop holding yourself hostage!
Say YES to Creativity! The world needs what you have to offer.
Say YES to Love! Self-love is the prerequisite for loving others. When you love yourself, you naturally wish others well.
Dream big! Start small with a Gratitude Journal. Want to take your journaling to another level? Let the Power of your pen guide you into therapeutic journaling. It's a small change that leads to unimaginable results!
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